Source code for models

import asyncio
import logging
import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Literal, Optional, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel, validator
from pyppeteer.browser import Browser as PyppeteerBrowser
from pyppeteer.errors import ElementHandleError, TimeoutError
from import Page as PyppeteerPage

from pytest_pyppeteer.errors import (
from pytest_pyppeteer.utils import parse_locator

    from pyppeteer.element_handle import ElementHandle

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ViewPort(BaseModel): """Keep the consistency of each page's viewport in a browser instance. One of the most important use is as the standard setting model for :py:class:`Options.defaultViewport`. """ #: Page width in pixels. Defaults to ``800``. width: int = 800 #: Page height in pixels. Defaults to ``600``. height: int = 600 #: Specify device scale factor (can be thought of as dpr). #: Defaults to ``1.0``. deviceScaleFactor: float = 1.0 #: Whether the ``meta viewport`` tag is taken into account. #: Defaults to ``False``. isMobile: bool = False #: Specifies if viewport supports touch events. Defaults to ``False``. hasTouch: bool = False #: Specifies if viewport is in landscape mode. Defaults to ``False``. isLandscape: bool = False
[docs]class Options(BaseModel): """The standard setting model for pyppeteer launcher.""" #: Additional arguments to pass to the browser instance. The list #: of Chromium flags can be found #: `here <>`_. #: Defaults to ``list()``. args: List[str] = list() #: Automatically close browser process when script completed. #: Defaults to ``True``. autoClose: bool = True #: Set a consistent viewport for each page. Defaults to a default #: :py:class:`ViewPort` instance. ``None`` means disables the #: default viewport. defaultViewport: Optional["ViewPort"] = ViewPort() #: Whether to auto-open a DevTools panel for each tab. If this #: option is ``True``, the ``headless`` option will be set ``False``. #: Defaults to ``False``. devtools: bool = False #: Whether to pipe the browser process stdout and stderr into #: ``process.stdout`` and ``process.stderr``. Defaults to ``False``. dumpio: bool = False #: Specify environment variables that will be visible to the #: browser. ``None`` means that same as python process. #: Defaults to ``None``. env: Optional[dict] = None #: Path to a Chromium or Chrome executable. ``None`` means use the #: default bundled Chromium. Defaults to ``None``. executablePath: Optional[str] = None #: Close the browser process on `Ctrl-C`. Defaults to ``True``. handleSIGINT: bool = True #: Close the browser process on `SIGTERM`. Defaults to ``True``. handleSIGTERM: bool = True #: Close the browser process on `SIGHUP`. Defaults to ``True``. handleSIGHUP: bool = True #: Whether to run browser in headless mode. Defaults to ``False``. headless: bool = False #: Whether to ignore HTTPS errors. Defaults to ``True``. ignoreHTTPSErrors: bool = True #: If ``True``, then do not use pyppeteer's default args. If a #: list is given, then filter out the given default args. #: Dangerous option; use with care. Defaults to ``False``. ignoreDefaultArgs: Union[bool, List[str]] = False #: Log level to print logs. ``None`` means that same as the root logger. #: Defaults to ``None``. logLevel: Union[int, str, None] = None #: Slow down operations by the specified amount of milliseconds. #: useful so that you can see what is going on. Defaults to ``0.0``. slowMo: float = 0.0 #: Path to a #: `User Data Directory <>`_. #: Defaults to ``None``. userDataDir: Optional[str] = None
[docs] class Config: """Control the behaviours of pydantic model.""" #: whether to allow arbitrary user types for fields (they are #: validated simply by checking if the value is an instance #: of the type). If False, RuntimeError will be raised on model #: declaration. arbitrary_types_allowed = True
[docs] @validator("executablePath", pre=True) def validate_executable_path(cls, path: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]: """Validate that the specified ``executablePath`` must point to an executable. :param str path: path string. :return: path string. :raise PathNotAExecutableError: if path does not point to a executable file. """ if path and not (os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK)): raise PathNotAExecutableError(path=os.path.abspath(path)) return path
[docs]class Browser(BaseModel): #: a pyppeteer browser object. pyppeteer_browser: "PyppeteerBrowser"
[docs] class Config: """Control the behaviours of pydantic model.""" #: whether to allow arbitrary user types for fields (they are #: validated simply by checking if the value is an instance #: of the type). If False, RuntimeError will be raised on model #: declaration. arbitrary_types_allowed = True
def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.pyppeteer_browser, name)
[docs] async def new_page(self) -> "Page": """Make new page on this browser and return its object. :return: a :py:class:`Page` object. """ pyppeteer_page = await self.pyppeteer_browser.newPage() # Make sure page and browser size as same. dimensions = await pyppeteer_page.evaluate( """() => { return { width: window.outerWidth, height: window.outerHeight, deviceScaleFactor: window.devicePixelRatio, } }""" )'Resize page viewport to "{}"'.format(dimensions)) await pyppeteer_page.setViewport(dimensions) return Page(pyppeteer_page=pyppeteer_page)
async def _clickable(element: "ElementHandle") -> None: for i in range(10): try: await element._clickablePoint() except ElementHandleError as e: LOGGER.error(e)"Element not clickable. waiting... and try again.") await asyncio.sleep(0.5) else: break
[docs]class Page(BaseModel): #: a pyppeteer page object. pyppeteer_page: "PyppeteerPage"
[docs] class Config: """Control the behaviours of pydantic model.""" #: whether to allow arbitrary user types for fields (they are #: validated simply by checking if the value is an instance #: of the type). If False, RuntimeError will be raised on model #: declaration. arbitrary_types_allowed = True
def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.pyppeteer_page, name)
[docs] async def query_locator(self, locator: str) -> Optional["ElementHandle"]: """Get the element which match ``locator``. If no element matches the ``locator``, return ``None``. :param str locator: a selector or xpath string :return: an element handle or ``None``. """ _type, locator_string = parse_locator(locator) if _type == "css": return await self.pyppeteer_page.querySelector(locator_string) elif _type == "xpath": element_list = await self.pyppeteer_page.xpath(locator_string) return element_list[0] if element_list else None
[docs] async def waitfor( self, locator: str, visible: bool = True, hidden: bool = False, timeout: int = 30000, ) -> None: """Wait until element which matches ``locator``. :param str locator: a selector or xpath string. :param bool visible: Wait for element to be present in DOM and to be visible; i.e. to not have ``display: none`` or ``visibility: hidden`` CSS properties. Defaults to ``True``. :param bool hidden: Wait for element to not be found in the DOM or to be hidden, i.e. have ``display: none`` or ``visibility: hidden`` CSS properties. Defaults to ``False``. :param int timeout: Maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds). Pass ``0`` to disable timeout. :return: None :raise ElementTimeoutError: Timeout exceeded while wait for ``locator``. """ _type, locator_string = parse_locator(locator) options = {"visible": visible, "hidden": hidden, "timeout": timeout} try: if _type == "css": await self.pyppeteer_page.waitForSelector( locator_string, options=options ) elif _type == "xpath": await self.pyppeteer_page.waitForXPath(locator_string, options=options) except TimeoutError as e: action = "disappear" if hidden else "appear" raise ElementTimeoutError( locator=locator, timeout=timeout, action=action ) from e
[docs] async def type(self, locator: str, text: str, delay: int = 0, clear: bool = False): """Focus the element which matches ``locator`` and then type text. :param locator: a selector or xpath string. :param text: what you want to type into. :param int delay: specifies time to wait between key presses in milliseconds. Defaults to 0. :param bool clear: whether to clear existing content befor typing. Defaults to ``False``. :return: """ element = await self.query_locator(locator) if element is None: raise ElementNotExistError(locator=locator)'Type text("{}") into element("{}").'.format(text, locator)) if clear: value = await element.executionContext.evaluate( "(node => node.value || node.innerText)", element ) if value: await _clickable(element) await for _ in value: await"ArrowRight") await self.pyppeteer_page.keyboard.down("Shift") for _ in value: await"ArrowLeft") await asyncio.sleep(delay / 1000.0) await self.pyppeteer_page.keyboard.up("Shift") await"Backspace") await element.type(text, delay=delay) await element.dispose()
[docs] async def click( self, locator: str, button: Literal["left", "middle", "right"] = "left", click_count: int = 1, delay: int = 0, ): """Click the center of the element which matches ``locator``. :param str locator: a selector or xpath string. :param Literal["left", "middle", "right"] button: ``left``, ``right``, of ``middle``. Defaults to ``left``. :param int click_count: Defaults to 1. :param int delay: Time to wait between ``mousedown`` and ``mouseup`` in milliseconds. Defaults to 0. :return: None :raise ElementNotExistError: if the element which matches ``locator`` is not found. """ element = await self.query_locator(locator) if element is None: raise ElementNotExistError(locator=locator)'Click element("{}").'.format(locator)) await _clickable(element) await, clickCount=click_count, delay=delay) await element.dispose()
[docs] async def get_value(self, locator: str) -> str: """Get the element ``value`` or ``innerText`` which matches ``locator``. :param str locator: a selector or xpath string. :return: the element ``value`` or ``innerText`` string. :raise ElementNotExistError: if the element which matches ``locator`` is not found. """ element = await self.query_locator(locator) if element is None: raise ElementNotExistError(locator=locator) value: str = await element.executionContext.evaluate( "(node => node.value || node.innerText)", element ) await element.dispose() return value